SRS Car Airbags

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Car Airbag Replacement Parts
How can we help you repair your car airbags?
- Do you need pricing for replacement car airbag parts? Find Cost Of Airbag Parts
- Do you need to reset your cars airbag module? Repair Airbag Module
- Is the airbag light on your dash on or flashing? Why Is My Airbag Light On
- Are you looking for information on installing airbags? Installing Airbags
- Here are some frequently asked questions about car airbags. Car Airbag FAQ's
Do you have a question regarding airbag replacement parts?
Here is some more information that may help you with your car airbags...
Whether you rebuild vehicles for a living or are a DYI we can help you replace your airbag parts. As vehicles age, buying replacement airbags from a dealer is no longer a viable option. For most car and truck owners the cost is much to high to invest in an older vehicle. To avoid expensive airbag replacements some repair shops have turned to recycling yards. However, dismantlers often damage the airbags during the removal and storage process. Furthermore, they mis-characterize the parts and often make mistakes identifying the right components. But worst of all, recycling yard personnel have no training or time to identify water and fire damaged airbags. If these airbags are reintroduced into safety system they can become a potential hazard for the unaware vehicle owner.
In contrast, our airbags are carefully handled and critical components are checked and documented to insure an accurate inventory of parts. Our staff is trained and our company is certified to ship airbags by air or ground anywhere in the continental US. Best of all, our prices are as competitive to any salvage yard and fifty to seventy percent cheaper than any automotive dealer. We are the only company that provides this level of quality, commitment and pricing for OEM original car airbags.